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Semantix AI Agents

Discover the platform that simplifies the creation of AI agents for your business.

Generating value with AI has never been so fast: Build agents, automate tasks, optimize processes, and personalize services with just a few clicks

We simplify the journey of creating AI applications through an intuitive and no-code platform

It is possible to create intelligent agents to automate repetitive tasks and optimize processes

in different segments: health, finance, retail, and more.

Develop your custom agents

Create agents that access your company’s data, execute API calls, and write code to create personalized experiences and automate tasks.

Choose your agent's function

It is possible to enhance your AI creation with our specialized profiles:

  • Financial Consultant
  • Clinical Health Assistant
  • Domain Expert
  • Data Analyst
  • Customer Service
  • Software Engineer

Perform interactive tests

Test your agent’s capabilities easily through an integrated chat interface on the platform and see how it performs.

Serverless Agent API

Incorporate your agent into any software or interface through the managed HTTP API, with the scalability and security of the Semantix AI platform.

Bring your ideas to life with AI Agents!

Enhance your artificial intelligence agent to meet your specific needs and have the freedom to use any market artificial intelligence model (LLM) in your agents.

Moreover, on the AI Agents platform, you have access to Lloro, our proprietary expert model, designed to generate data analysis code from natural language.

Versatile tools

Each agent has a variety of tools to help you with everything you need. They can send PDFs, connect to other systems, manage information, customize data, use public information, and much more!

Maximize your possibilities with AI agent tools

Explore the innovative potential of intelligent agents crafted by our platform

Patient management agent

Simplify patient management with an agent that automates scheduling, sends appointment reminders, and offers personalized care information.

Investment virtual assistant

Maximize your investments with a virtual assistant that employs advanced analytics to suggest personalized strategies.

Data analysis agent

Optimize the analysis of vast data volumes with an agent specialized in processing and interpreting information. Extract valuable insights and make informed decisions more swiftly and efficiently.

Sales assistant agent

Boost your sales with an intelligent agent that automates repetitive tasks, qualifies leads, and provides customers with relevant information, allowing your team to focus on closing deals more strategically.

Content summarizer

Save time and focus on what's essential by allowing the summarizing agent to simplify the understanding of extensive content.

Observability agent

Ensure the health of your systems with an agent dedicated to monitoring crucial metrics, identifying anomalies, and suggesting improvements to guarantee the optimal performance of your platform.

Software 3.0

Create intelligent applications using software 3.0

Develop innovative experiences without relying on traditional programming. Connect generative models with private data, REST APIs, and predictive models. Leverage the full potential of Semantix to create agents endowed with exceptional skills and the ability to generate disruptive solutions.

Semantix AI Agents

Intelligent applications within your reach

Easily develop AI applications with Semantix AI Agents. Achieve greater efficiency, customization, and security for your AI Apps. Automate tasks and optimize processes with the intelligent agents created on Semantix AI Agents.

Productivity increase

Repetitive tasks can be automated, allowing teams to focus on higher-value work and become more productive.

Faster and more accurate decision-making

AI can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns to support quicker and more accurate decision-making.

Enhance customer experience

Intelligent agents can interact with customers and provide quick, accurate, and personalized responses.

With Semantix, apply AI to your business in seconds!

With our generative AI agents, you can unlock new insights, automate tasks, and drive innovation within your organization, all in an agile manner. Utilize various market-leading LLMs and integrate your agents directly with your systems.

Turn you data into action

Extract value from your data, transforming it into actionable knowledge to boost decision-making and the creation of business strategies.

Automatize operations

Leverage the full potential of our AI agents to automate a range of tasks, build expertise in processes and systems, freeing up your team to focus on higher-value activities.

Ensure data governance

To ensure your data is protected, our AI agents are designed with a priority on security, and you also have the freedom to choose your preferred LLM.

Scale your AI initiatives

Ready to adapt to your needs, our agents allow you to scale your AI capacity up or down as required.


Gain access to continuous updates and improvements, ensuring that the latest and greatest AI technologies are always within your reach.